Virtual work-from-home (WFH) has become business as usual. Not even a year ago, working remotely was an opportunity for just a small percentage of the workforce. Then along came the COVID-19 pandemic, and that caused an instantaneous change. Companies in traditional office spaces were forced to send their employees home to work remotely—and many of these employees will continue to work from home, long after the pandemic is over.”
1.Not even+時間片語,主詞 +動詞……… (甚至不到….的時間, ………)
舉例: Not even a week ago, Australian government asked Facebook to pay for the news from Australia.
2. Then along came……… 然而隨之而來的是……,
倒裝句 : Then along came + 主詞,and +主詞 +動詞……
3. long after…….在很久之後
這片語是從 not long after (不久後)這個連接詞片語來的
舉例:The bus came not long after I took the cab. (我叫計程車不久後巴士就來了)
Forbes 網站真是一個很好練習商英的線上資源,文章內容豐富又即時,閱讀一些好的英文文章也是增進寫作和替自己的字彙庫加入一些好的用字的參考。