看完劇的心得:引人入勝 英文要怎麼說?
- The documentary is gripping / Intriguing/ inspirational . (這個紀錄片很吸引人/ 有啟發性)
♣ grip 是動詞 好像緊緊抓住(觀眾)
- Although this movie is very old, it’s still very compulsive viewing. (雖然這是一部老電影,但還是很引人入勝。)
♣compulsive 是衝動的意思, 欲罷不能的
- The drama gives me food for thought. (這部戲劇給我很多想法)
♣ food for thought 需要認真考慮的事
- I watched this reality show in one sitting. (我一口氣看完這部實境秀)
♣ watch something in/at one sitting 就是一口氣看完停不下來
- I was glued to the screen. (我黏在螢幕上了)
- This sitcom is a definite 5-start rating. (這個情境喜劇絕對是五星評價)