我家的狗不算聰明,但和我之間又有一些無法解釋的交流。比如坐電梯和陌生人同處於一個狹小密閉空間,我的各種感官變得很敏銳,或許難免參雜一些對人喜惡的情緒。當電梯門打開,那個人要步出電梯的那霎那,不快不慢,我的狗就會替我表達我對這個人的感覺 — 喜歡就不叫,討厭就吠個幾聲。準確率極高。應該說我的狗和我對一個人的散發出來的氛圍很同感; 這算是團隊默契(teamwork)嗎? 哈! 如果你在生活中應該有這樣的人或寵物該怎們表達呢?
1. have connection between ………. 之間有連結
▶︎ My dog totally gets me. We have this connection between us.
⏭︎延伸 : have telepathic connection 有心電感應
- telepathic 是形容詞 來自名詞 telepathy 心電感應
▶︎ Hey, we’re not twins, but we have an almost telepathic connection
(ㄟ 我們不是雙胞胎但我們幾乎有心電感應耶)
2. finish one’s sentences 完成某人的句子
▶︎The couple has been married for long. No wonder they can finish each other’s sentences.
3. be perfectly in sync. 完美地同時性
sync. 是synchronize 的簡寫,指同時發生 be in sync. 就是指兩人默契很好
▶︎My friend and I often said the words in unison. We’re perfectly in sync.
4. have a tacit understanding 有不說話的了解…..
tacit 是形容詞,意指不說話的,默示的 tacit understanding 就是指心照不宣
▶︎We surely have a tacit understanding!”.
5. be on the same page 在同一頁
on the same page指在某件事情上達成共識,有時以表示很有默契。
▶︎You are so not on the same page with me
©︎注: 上方圖片為Ginger個人水彩畫作